20 January - 18 February

Behaviour and personality traits

is a quick thinker

is sensitive and intuitive

is outwardly calm, relaxed and delightful

is unpredictable and full of amazing ideas

wants to analyse everything and everyone

does not like emotional demands

rebels against commands and rules but comes to sensible conclusions

is generous to freinds of all kinds

tends to absent-minded

Aquarius and sex

When  a typical Aquarius makes love it is more an intellectual experience than an emotional one. He or she will be most assiduous about hygiene and contraception. Aquarius is likely to do alot of self-searching, but may not find it easy to listen to the partner's emotional problems. Aquarian partners often have verbal quarrels which seem to take place of physical contact.Affairs do not seem to bother Aquarius, and they are rarely jealous. Many Aquarians make great freinds and lovers, they can however br rather modest about sex - even prudish.

likes and dislikes

likes :

fame or recognition                    privacy                     rainbows, dreams, magic

change, eccentricity, surprises     credit cards           telling others what needs to be done

weird freinds                      living within their means        thinking about self

dislikes :

emotion and intimacy                  people who show off             being taken for granted

being pinned down in anyway     any kind of hard sell             violence and fighting

making loans or borrowing           conventional authority             revealing own motives



Famous Aquarians

Virginia Woolf - 25 January 1882                   Eartha Kitt - 26 January 1928

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - 27 January 1756      Lewis Carroll - 27 January 1832

Vanessa Redgrave - 30 January 1937          Charles Lindberg - 4 February 1902

Jules Verne - 8 February 1828                         Yoko Ono - 18 February 1933


Spiritual Goal To learn how to develop true self-confidence