A bit about me and where this page is going... when ? how? and why?
What can I say ?,....... I'm 26 yrs old,female....and totally addicted to this damn keyboard and glass thingy infront of me,...usually when I'm not 'whatever' I do other things like, ride, swim, walk and fly..... same as most humans I suppose... only my outlook on life is a bit different,........ the 'Age of Aquarius' is upon us now and drastic re-decorating is goin on in this gallery we call life, time to get a grip and head forward onto the unknown plateau of :
possible visits aliens from around the galaxy
evoulution's working on the human-race's mind and body.. a spring clean is essential to go on
peace is spreading fast and 'annoyities' will be squeezed out like the plague
the millenium is 2 yrs round the corner... change is enivitable
the only thing left is war...which,.. is also 'enivitable'
This page will be worked on frequently...... why did I decide to have a Home-page?......... I just did.........
I thought of having a bill-board nailed to the side of my house, but this is tidier.
Mug-shots of myself and wacky freinds I've collected along the way will be here soon,...along with loads of 'stuff' that interest myself, and lordy! you too.... no doubt!
A taste of things to come
Full membership>>>> 'Survivors of War and Peace'........... join the family and ram-raid Tescos.
Beauty hints in the loopyloo ............ A -- Z on caring for that temp. body we all have.
Herbal remedies ............The Earth is a giant medicine cabinet...,from cabbage to lizard lick.
Horoscopes ............ Yet more info on those personality traits.
wav.factory ............ Links to the best wav sites on the web.
Agony Aunt >> Dreary Deidre .............. give her your worries and she'll e-mail ya bac with some useless advice.
The Wizard ............. Mouth-watering,cost-effective easy peasy gourmet tucker.
101 things to do with water ............. well!..... we would be pretty 'dried-up' without the lovely stuff.
AQua's Top 20 .............. 20 of the very best of music,men,women,places,jokes, etc.
'Sight' of the week .............. The worst site on the web ..'pole'.
Education links .............. Learn how to speak swolhealy,or a self-taught cyber-yoga class.
and much much more.............
You can find me on efnet.demon.co.uk...... as AQua....... come and chat..... :)..... l8rs.....darlings