23 August - 22 September


Behaviour and personality traits

is quick, alert and an excellent mimic, and so can learn many things in a short time

gets upset if he or she forgets something that has been learned by the heart

rarely questions authority but frequently questions fact

is honest and reliable

is shy amongst strangers

loves to do jobs around the home

is sometimes a fussy eater

is usually tidy , with occasional bouts of disorganization

gets upset if teased

is very often an early talker and reader


Virgos and sex

When  a typical Virgo makes love it is a pure-minded, natural, healthy act. Virgo only enjoys sex when it is with someone who has gained Virgo's confidence. Celibacy, for short or long periods, is not usually difficult. In general, Virgoans are looking for a spouse, not a one-night stand or an affair.A virgo who has not had his or her fragile sense of self-undermined as a youth will enjoy sex. The bedside library may include informative books on sex, because virgos like to understand the finer details. Virgo tends to seduce with finesse, charm and subtlety. The fact that typical Virgoan instincts are chaste does not mean that Virgos are virgins. The virgin of astrology is a symbol of self-improvement and fertility.


Likes and dislikes

likes :

making lists                a well-stocked medicine cupboard             self-improvement courses

punctuality                  mimicking others                                       grooming self

attending to the finest details            very small animals, even ants             being of service to others

sensible, tailored clothes          muted, subtle colours and textures

dislikes :

crowds and noise; brash ppl            slang, vulgarity,dirt                    ppl who whine and complain alot

sitting still for a long time                  disrupted schedules                  lids left off boxes,or toothpaste

being under an obligation                 ppl who move virgos personal things      hyprocrisy and deceit

any admission to weakness or failure       bright bold primary colours


Famous Virgoans

Leonardo Bernstein - 25 August 1930          Sean Connery - 25 August 1930      peter Sellers - 8 September 1925

D.H. Lawrence - 11 September 1885           lauren bacall - 16 September 1924   Twiggy - 19 September 1949

Anne Bancroft - 17 September 1931            Sophia Lauren - 20 september 1934


Spiritual goal To learn to discriminate between destructive criticism and simple wisdom