Astrology is the study of apparent coincidences between certain events on Earth and the positions of the Sun, Moon and eight planets. In traditional terms, the Sun, Moon and planets{often loosely called 'the stars'} are said to influence events on Earth. The modern view, first suggested by the psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, is that events concide with a particular pattern of the stars. This phenomenon is known as synchronicity.




Aries: the Ram

Inside anyone that has strong Aries influences is a person who thinks that he or she is more
interesting than others and better than those with whom they are in competition.
It is patently obvious to all that Aries is interested in winning, whoever or whatever the challenge.
A fight, a race, a bit of physical or verbal sparring or an opportunity to do things in new ways are what keep the the Aries' fires burning bright. Aries is an original, and being first lights him or her up
Aries has to be number one in every respect. The secret fear of a typical Aries is that he or she won't be liked or valued, even though a winner. However failure is never a problem because Aries doesn't know the word...every outcomes seen as a part or the winning process, which is why warnings of impending disasters are usually ignored.


Taurus: the Bull

Inside anyone who has strong Taurus influences is a person who takes the long term view and proceeds slowly but surely, Taurus is only interested in the very best of everything. Taurus'
view is that the best is worth waiting for.
Taurus loves to luxuriate in sensual delights and desires secure material prosperity. the two secret fears of Taurus are of being disturbed or of being left wanting. Taurus will wait for anything, even to get angry. When taureans do eventually have to express anger, it can be devastating and so disturbing to themselves that it takes a while for them to recover both their composure and their self-esteem.


Gemini: the Twins

Inside anyone who has strong Gemini influences is a person who secretly longs to find his or her true soul-mate, the mysterious twin who will make the Gemini feel complete. The more self-aware Geminis will realize in maturity that the wholeness they seek is to be found within, by gathering together their many parts, especially the earthly twin with the spiritual twin.
Few people listening to a confident Gemini talk with that quicksilver, puck-like charm would ever imagine that the inner Gemini is often feeling desperately alone and lost. Communication is a life-line to Gemini. Contact through work ideas, gossip or philosophy makes Gemini a happy, inspiring and devoted person.


Cancer: the Crab

Inside anyone who has strong Cancer influences is a person who was very shy when young and who still tends to use a hard outer shell in defense against what are perceived as hurts from other people.
The most vulnerable part of the Cancerian personality is an inner fear of nameless dangers that often reduce a wonderful dream to a pessimistic worry. The fear of becoming lost in the dark of outer space. The indefinable fear of insecurity is often what drives the typical Cancerian personality
to invest much time and effort in activities which will enhance a feeling of security and self-preservation.


Leo: the Lion

Inside anyone who has strong Leo influences is a person who wants to be on top. Potential competitors should remember this. Leo is not interested in winning, but in being king or queen of a particular castle. Privately, the typical craves love more than anyone would ever guess.Love, adoration, appreciation, recognition: these are what keep Leo's generous, fun-loving nature burning brightly. While typical Leos may appear to be confident, especially when they take center-stage in the limelight,they have secret doubts about their true worth and may seriously undervalue themselves.


Virgo: the Virgin

Inside anyone who has strong Virgo influences is a person who worries too much about every personal imperfection and is never satisfied with his or her own standards. Virgo may appear to know it all and be a compulsive worker; both these behaviors hide a deep fear that he or she cannot be good enough for the job or partner. Virgos crave the opportunity to serve others and take charge of the many apparently mundane matters that, collectively, are the bedrock of success. One of the least suspected aspects of Virgo personality is a strong, almost volcanic sexuality that can lie hidden and dormant for years until the right partner comes along.


Libra: the Scales

Inside anyone who has a strong Librian influences is a person who is terrified of being alone.
The fear is usually well controlled so the typical Libra always looks calm, collected and in charge of the situation. Good natured and loving, Libras can also be petulant, and even objectional, when asked to take orders. Similarly, they are extremely intelligent, yet sometimes gullible; they enjoy talking to people, yet can also be very attentive listeners.
The Libra symbol {the scales} is a clue to understanding this apparent inconsistency in behavior. In attempt to gain an even balance, the scales first tip one way and then the other. This is how the typical Libra behaves constantly trying to attain that perfect balance.


Scorpio: the Scorpion

Inside anyone who has strong Scorpionic influences is a person who is intractable and impenetrable,
so the secret Scorpio usually remains a secret. All Scorpios like to keep your true nature as hidden as possible. Astrologically, a Scorpio is to be at one or other of three stages of evolution.
A 'Stage one' Scorpio exercises power through emotion and instinct. This Scorpio is symbolized by the scorpion, an insect more likely, in the end, to sting itself than others.
The 'Stage two' type exercises power through the intellect. This Scorpio is symbolized by the golden
eagle-a bird that soars any other.
At the final stage of evolution , Scorpio exercises power through love. This Scorpio is symbolized by the dove of peace


Sagittarius: The Archer

Inside anyone who has strong sagittarian influences is a person who wants to be free. Possessive partners, conservative thinkers, bureaucrats that Sagittarius comes into contact with should be aware of this.
No matter who or what cause, the sagittarian who is held back in life, in love or in opportunity for spiritual growth will be unhappy, even though he or she will keep smiling through all the centaur, one of the sagittarian symbols, the sagittarians personality experiences conflict between mind and body . The sagittarian purpose is to overcome this conflict so that they may guide others.

Capricorn: the Seagoat

Inside anyone who has strong capricornean influences is a person who worries about security-physical, social and emotional. A typical Capricorn cannot bear to be embarrassed in public in public. Sometimes, Capricorn longs to let go a little and to allow themselves to join in the fun-let their toes tap with the music.But usually a sense of duty and a terrible fear of looking foolish stop them from acting out their desires.
Capricorns are also secret romantics who want a perfect and secure love in their lives.


AQuarius: the Water Carrier

Inside anyone who has strong AQuarian influences is a person who person who is extremely uncertain of his or her full identity. The AQuarius ego has said to be the most precarious in the zodiac,
probably because of AQuarius is the sign of non conformity. Intellectual genius practical eccentricity and mental oddity are all linked to AQuarius. The typical AQuarius personality has a magnetic and powerful intellect. Putting this to good, practical use is the best way for AQuarius to build an identifiable ego.


Pisces: the Fishes

Inside anyone who has strong Piscine influences is a person who has perhaps the most extreme choices of any zodiac sign. Pisces can accept the challenges of life and rise to the top, or can give into the easy way of oblivion and sink to the bottom. This choice is symbolized by the two fishes.
To help him or her swim to the top, the Pisces must find peace through beauty, music and harmony.
The Pisces needs work which will enable him or her to achieve this. More than any other sign, Pisces has many talents which maybe used to develop their character. Many work hard to improve the lot of humanity. Others bring their talents to film and entertainment, enlivening the lives of thousands. Pisces needs to turn his/her private, mystical dream world of love and compassion into a reality.
The other option for Pisces is a life of illusion and ultimately, a sense of failure.